30 Important Tax Tips You Must Know to Reduce Your Taxes! - #28 Tax Rate & Desired Tax Position
Tip #28 When is the right TIME to file your taxes? When can you file your taxes in 2021? When should you file your taxes? And how do you...

30 Important Tax Tips You Must Know to Reduce Your Taxes! - #27 Understanding Your Tax Bracket
Tip #27 Understanding Your Tax Bracket. When filing your taxes it is important to know your income bracket and how much taxes you have to...

30 Important Tax Tips You Must Know to Reduce Your Taxes! - #24 QBI Deductions
Tip #24 QBI. Qualified Business Income Deduction, also known as Section 199A, allows businesses to claim a tax deduction of up to 20% of...

30 Important Tax Tips You Must Know to Reduce Your Taxes! - #21 Net Operating Losses
Tip #21: Net Operating Losses. A Net Operating Loss (NOL) can benefit your tax position by carrying back these losses to offset your...

30 Important Tax Tips You Must Know to Reduce Your Taxes! - #20 R&D Tax Credit
Tip #20: R&D Tax Credits. Tax credit is a tax incentive that allows you to offset your tax liability dollar to dollar. However, it is...

30 Important Tax Tips You Must Know to Reduce Your Taxes! - #12 Should You Buy a Car?
Should you buy a car? Maybe around this time of the year, you’re thinking of getting a new car for your business. Before you jump into...

30 Important Tax Tips You Must Know to Reduce Your Taxes! - #6 Charitable Donation
Deducting charitable contributions made in 2020! In the past, charitable contributions could only be deducted if you itemized your...

Will Biden Tax Implications Affect You?
With the election shifting towards a victory for Biden, how will his presidency affect your taxes? If you own a business and HATE paying...

Decide How Much In Taxes You Want To Pay With This Tool!
Many business owners don’t realize that they hold the KEY to deciding how much they want to or they need to pay taxes.

Year-End Checklist For 2020 and Beyond!
So the year is almost over, but before it is over now is the perfect opportunity to plan for the next year for your business. Although 2020