Don't Wait to the Last Minute With The Tax Deadline!
In March, the Internal Revenue Service and Treasury Department announced that the federal income tax filing due date was automatically...
PPP Updated! Loan Forgiveness Changes & More!
The U.S. Senate recently approved the House-passed version of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) legislation Wednesday night. It is...
Alternatives From EIDL or PPP?
Many business owners have been rejected for the EIDL or PPP for their business during this pandemic crisis. So what do you do when you...
Second Round of Stimulus Checks "could be" on the way!
The second round of stimulus checks is on the discussion table with lawmakers, Congress will decide whether to pass a "final" coronavirus...
Surviving Through A Crisis: April Coker
Fitness & workout facilities were all closed down due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown orders, within that time businesses needed...
Surviving Through a Crisis: Snehee Chaplot
The lockdown orders have isolated many industries from distributing their products to retail stores. This current crisis has impacted the...
Top 3 Critical Challenges Business Owners Have While Doing Their Own Bookkeeping
There are many business owners out there who are doing their bookkeeping, however, they often struggle in accounting and make critical...
PPP Loan Deductibility & Why Tax Planning is Really Important
On April 30, 2020, the IRS issued Notice 2020-32 to address the deductibility of loan amounts received under the Paycheck Protection...
Successful Tax Planning Steps 2020
Recently, we shared about how business owners may potentially land into HUGE tax bills if payroll expenses funded through PPP are...
Why Building Solid Banking Relationship Matters?
When the coronavirus (COVID-19) hit the US market, the majority of the businesses had to shut down due to lockdown orders. Due to the...