How to fill out a W-9 Form
It is finally 1099 filing season, and in order to file it, you NEED a W-9 form that is completed by your contractor. In this VIDEO, we...
IRS Tax Refund 2022: When will the IRS start releasing Tax Refunds?
There is important news today regarding the tax season which starts on January 24th. The deadline to file your 2021 taxes is April 18,...
Surging prices: Key inflation measure hits a 39-year high
Due to the pandemic, there was a record 39-year high inflation in the past month. The U.S. consumer price inflation index rose 7% over...
There is BIG news that was just recently announced. The IRS will BEGIN accepting and processing 2021 TAX RETURNS starting January 24th....
January Deadlines!!!
If you own a business, you need to be aware of all the tax filing deadlines and obligations you have in the month of January. In today's...
How to Calculate Your Estimated Quarterly Taxes?
What are estimated taxes? These are taxes that self-employed individuals and business owners will have to pay to the IRS throughout the...
Don't Forget To Make Your Last Payment For 2021!
We finally made it to the FINAL TIP in the tax planning series. Thank you for following our strategies and we genuinely hope it helps...
How To Succeed in 2022?!
Our latest updates have been primarily accounting and tax tips, but today we want to share with you important tips to achieve business...
Happy New Year Year 2022! 🎉🍾
Happy New Year’s to everyone. Thank you all so much for another great year, and we hope y’all had a memorable 2021. Working with you has...
10 Strategies To Reduce Your Taxes - Tip #8 Don't Leave Free Money On The Table!!!
The end is near… Today, we have another powerful tip to help you reduce your tax bill. Don't leave FREE money on the table for the IRS....