Why you need an accountant!
As a Business Owner, your sole responsibility is the success and growth of your business. With this responsibility comes a laundry list...
Hidden Loan Options for New Homebuyers
Commercial mortgage rates are averaging almost 6%! Although some home buyers are lucky enough to get rates for half of that by using a...
Heart to Heart: How I Started My Business
Today we are excited to introduce you to our new series Heart to Heart here at XQ CPA. Heart to Heart gives you an insight into Charlene...
Gas Prices Changing for the Better?
We have some good news today! Gas prices have begun to drop recently to an average of $4.47 compared to the high of $5.02 on June 14th....
Adrian Reyes: Intern Experience
Here at XQ CPA we are very fortunate to give career opportunities to the greatest talent by providing them a chance to learn on their...
Importance of Cash Flow!
Maintaining healthy cash flow is vital to the survival of any business, especially during the current economic conditions. A company’s...
Upcoming Tax Deadlines!
We hope that you are enjoying the summer season & taking much-needed time to regroup/recharge. However, don’t forget that the deadline to...
Recession-Proof Your Business!
The United States is tiptoeing into a recession, but that does not mean your company has to fail. Today we will go over a few steps to...
Received a letter from the IRS? Here is what to do.
As a business owner, you have many responsibilities especially when it comes to reporting to the IRS. Today, we are going to talk about...
Crash Course for Payroll Taxes!
If you run a business and have employees, it is important to know that you have a deadline coming up at end of this month to submit...