Exciting News If You Drive A Lot For Your Business!
If you run a business and you drive a lot, this will be exciting news for you! On Friday, after decreasing two years in a row, IRS...

10 Strategies To Reduce Your Taxes - Tip #2 Maximize Deductions
We are nearing the end of the year with Thanksgiving at a close. Luckily, we have our second strategy out of the ten to reduce your...

30 Important Tax Tips You Must Know to Reduce Your Taxes! - #12 Should You Buy a Car?
Should you buy a car? Maybe around this time of the year, you’re thinking of getting a new car for your business. Before you jump into...

The Shocking Truth About Mileage Deductions!
You’re preparing your mileage log to claim auto deductions; however, an inaccurate log will land you an IRS audit.

Buying a Car VS Leasing a Car, Which One Benefits You?
So you're thinking of getting a new car for your business, but should you get a loan to purchase the car or lease the car instead?